Wednesday 5 March 2014

Preferred, Oppositional and negotiated audiences


  • Audi's target audience would be 30-60 year olds and therefore this age range would be the preferred audience, as in this age range they would be the most interested in buying an Audi car.
  • 18-29 year olds would take a negotiated perspective on the audi website as they may be interested in cars but they may not be ready to get an audi, which is a care often associated with middle aged people. 
  • 17 or below would take an oppositional perspective on Audi as they would be too expensive and not necessarily their style or type of car.  
  • NIKEs target audience is 16-30 year olds and this age range would be the preferred audience as they would be the most interested in purchasing NIKE products as they will be involved in sport or fashion.
  • 31-40 would take a negotiated view on the bran as they may not be too keen on the products although they would not mind using or wearing them.
  • 41+ would take a oppositional view on the brand as they would associate it with the younger audience and therefore inappropriate for themselves.

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