Monday 16 December 2013

SHAPE magazine shows celebrities who are exposed as they are only wearing underwear or bikinis. This shows women in a sexualised way however can be a role model for women who aspire that person and want to look particularly like them. In this photo Britney Spears is wearing a White bikini and although the person involved in the magazine is known for her strange behaviour, the white bikini represents innocence and purity. Younger audiences will also look up to this celebrity as although the person is slim, she is not skinny and this is therefore suggesting to young girls that they do not need to be skinny like many of the other role model women who are in the media.

VOUGE magazine is a high end magazine that represents women as powerful and as role models.  In this cover Beyonce is represented as a strong and powerful woman due to the pose she is using. Beyonce is a powerful and independent woman and this is shown on the cover as she is standing alone. The photo has been took with bright lighting making her seem almost angelic like and a true role model for younger audiences. The white on her clothes suggest the innocence and purity of the woman however the black could also re-emphasise the power of this woman and any potential darkness she may hold. Although this photo is clearly edited, it has been edited to represent women in a positive and feministic way and not like a sexualised object.

NUTS is a adult male magazine and is aimed at entertaining the male audience. The picture used shows a celebrity is sexually appealing manner that would attract the male audience. The girl is holding a sexual pose while exposed in underwear; this pose shows that she is not very dominant and more of a sexual object, due to the way she is bending over, making herself more appealing to the male audience.  This sort of image is used as it is sexually appealing to males and would therefore attract them to looking at the magazine and potentially buying it. The bikini the celebrity is wearing is a peachy pink which is a very feminine colour and could represent she is a young and feminine girl which could attract many men. the lighting of the picture is extremely bright and this is done to expose her and show her beauty to the target audience. 

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