Thursday 19 December 2013

This movie poster features Dwayne Johnson. Dwayne is a former wrestler and is renowned for his masculinity and 'hard man' role in movies and wrestling. This reputation is represented in this poster due to the camera angle and pose of the character. This medium long-shot photo has been taken at a low angle providing the viewer of the poster with the impression that the character is very powerful or dominant. The lighting of the photo is soft which is important as if it was hard lighting, Dwayne's facial expressions would have been poorly visible due to the already dark background, so the soft lighting allows the viewer to see the facial expression of the actor and build up more effect. The camera angle is also slanted and due to what is happening in the background of the photo, a dramatic effect is created. The pose the character is in is a dramatic and aggressive one; the character is clenching his fist and tensing his arm suggesting anger and frustration. The facial expression is also very serious and suggests to the viewer that the character is being bothered or troubled about something, which provides the viewer with suspense making the viewer of the poster want to view the film and see what actually happens. The Mise-en-scene of this poster creates a dark and negative attitude for the viewer. This is created through the use of the characters clothing, the horrific scenes behind the character and the eerie location of where the photo has been taken. The clothes the character is wearing are very dark and masculine; this is important for the viewer as if the character was wearing brightly coloured clothing the character would have been out of place and the photo would have been less dramatic and therefore less effective. The collision behind him shows the viewer that the film is a fast pace, high explosive action film and due to the fact he is also wearing very masculine clothes it suggests that the target audience for this film is males, preferably aged 16-35. 

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