Wednesday 5 February 2014

Representation of Gender examples.

Sexualised/objectified female (advertisement)
The new Lynx Dry advertisement shows a model (Lucy Pinder) bent over taking a turkey out of the oven while wearing only underwear. This shows women in a negative perspective as not only is she made to look like a sexualised object, she is also doing domestic housework at the same time. This type of advertisement shows that society is run by patriarchy as males are the dominant force and this is shown in this image as the woman is made out to be a sexual servant.

Domestic Females
The show, 'The Simpsons' features a typical stereotype of a woman in the media. Marge Simpson is a stereotypically represented as a woman that does all of the domestic housework as well as caring for the children, whilst the husband Homer, does nothing. This is showing women in a negative perspective as they are carrying a 'dual burden' and this often results in Marge showing anger and frustration due to little help from the husband or the children. 


Dominant/aggressive male
In the music video 'Eminem-Berzerk', Eminem is represented as a powerful and dominant male. This representation is achieved by Eminem often standing alone, and when he does, the camera is looking up at him, giving the viewer the perspective that Eminem is looking down on them. Eminem is using hand gestures often associated with gangs throughout the video as well as having a negative and almost angry facial expression. This is representing him in a violent way however many young males would look up to him and see him almost as a role model. 

Stereotypical males
In the Walking Dead, Rick who is the leader shows features of a stereotypical male in the media. Rick was a sherif before the zombie apocalypse so was obviously a leader, however he took up this role again when the apocalypse happened. Rick is shown as a strong and independent individual throughout, he is extremely brave, can stand up for himself and is a protecter of the others. All of these values make Rick a perfect role model and a typical stereotype of males in film and TV shows. 

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