Monday 14 October 2013

Coursework analysis of World soccer

'World Soccer' is a football magazine aimed at a older audience. People will identify this a football magazine for the older audience due to the amount of text on the front cover and lack of colour.  The Masthead of the magazine is the largest text on the page and is designed to attract potential readers. The 'World' bit in the 'World Soccer' masthead is in red which could represent the love that buyers of the magazine have for soccer or football as red is a connotation for love or passion. The main image of the magazine takes up a large amount of the front cover, and has been made that size to attract potential buyers. This particular image has also been chose as although the colours of the front cover are plain the colours on the footballer's kit is bright and vibrant so the customer can view it from a distance; the image is also relevant to the topic of the magazine which is football. This magazine is very unique to other magazines as all of the cover lines are the same size, they are even the same size as the main cover line. The main cover line is only identifiable due to a small text box placed on the main image which informs the reader that the player in the main image has won a specific award. Part of the text of the main cover line is typed in gold which could represent the award that the footballer won. This becomes a reoccurring theme as the cover lines also use gold, but this time to highlight the key information that the magazine producers believe the audience would most likely want to read about. The cover lines have also been organised into three separate boxes on the left side of the front cover, this again suggests that the magazine is for an older audience, as a younger audience based magazine is often very busy and colourful, where as the content of the front cover for this magazine has been organized and does not contain much colour. It is also very unusual for there to be this much text on a front cover, a younger audience would therefore not be interested in this magazine as they would be more interested in bright colours and more pictures. The background of the magazine is plain white, this is effective as the text and pictures of the front cover stand out more and the magazine is therefore more visually appealing for the older audience, who are less interested in bright colours and lots of pictures.

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