Friday 4 October 2013

Male orientated magazine cover analysis

Male orientated magazine

A male orientated magazine such as the one above, is designed to entertain the male audience.  Potential viewers can tell that the magazine above is for a male audience, as the woman in the main image is showing a lot of cleavage and is in a sexual pose. The producer of this magazine has used this image to specifically attract the male audience, as the males will be sexually attracted to this image. The image is also layered on top of the Masthead, which suggests that the magazine is well known and therefore, the full masthead does not need to be shown.

The Masthead of the magazine is in red, this could represent sex, which is an aspect of why males buy the magazine as they are attracted to this sexual content. The Font of the magazine also has an aggressive tone, due to the shadowing and tone of the colour which links back to the sex appeal that is intended for the male audience. The cover lines otherwise known as the puffs of the magazine are in a bold font, designed to stand out to the reader, however the font on the main image which is providing the reader with the girl's name in the image, is thin and doesn't stand out as much, which suggests that it is the main image which is designed to attract the readers.

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