Tuesday 17 September 2013

Handicap and Events/Issues



All physical, mental and cultural disabilities are either shown positively or negatively within the media. The main character in Avatar (2009) is physically disabled as he is paralysed from the waist down. This portrayal of disability is shown in a negative way as the character often makes it clear throughout the film he desires to have his legs back; Other characters within the film also see the character as 'weaker' and state this through comments to one another in the film. The viewer gets the impression from hearing these comments, that the disabled character is being bullied, and therefore is being shown in a negative way.

Events or Issues

Events or issues are show in either a negative or positive way often depending on the seriousness or extent of the event. For example, the attack on 9/11 is represented negatively throughout the media due to the horrific scenes that occurred. 'World Trade Centre' negatively represents the attack as it goes in to detail and shows the extent of the attack, through the eyes of a victim within the tower. 'The Dictator' however, includes a joke about 911. The film includes a large amount of controversial jokes and references about religion and serious events which could be extremely offensive for many viewers, although the film can be entertaining for viewers who enjoy dark humour.   

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